Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another end-of-year list

In an attempt to release some of this negative energy, here is a list (in no particular order) of things that piss me off.

1. Burkitt’s Lymphoma . Seriously, fuck you. My husband is one of 10 Americans in his age group with this disease right now. 10. Yes, he will be cured. Yes we will come through this 'stronger,' but we were already strong enough so fuck you cancer.

2. The phrase "you will come through this stronger." FUCK THAT.

3. Resting the starters in the middle of the 3rd quarter when you have a lead and it's a home game AND the other team needs to win to potentially play you in the playoffs. Fuck you Jim Caldwell.

4. Crash and Amelie. They just piss me off.

5. People that ask questions that they don't want to know the answers to.

6. People that ask questions they already know the answers to.

7. People that congregate in doorways, the tops of escalators or stairs, and anywhere else that impedes other people. I don't care if you're on vacation, stop being so fucking thoughtless.

8. The San Diego Chargers.

9. My insurance companies. Both of them. All you do is take my money and make my life harder. Fuck you.

10. Anyone who gets righteous about any of the following:
a. not owning a television
b. not drinking caffeine
c. not watching sports
d. not believing in God
e. not eating meat
f. not smoking
Memo to the world: The things you DON'T do, for whatever reason, don't make you special. The things you jump into in this life matter. The things you retreat from are largely personal, and the rest of us don't give a shit how unique you feel for discarding them.

11. Nurses who wear perfume on the cancer ward. Way to introduce a group of nauseous people to your whorish scent and selfish disposition. You're TOTALLY in the right line of work.

12. People that start shit with you and are then surprised when you fight back. If you don't want a fight, then don't fuck with me. It's not complicated, and there are plenty of people in the world who are willing to be doormats for a bully. I'm not your girl. Ass.

13. Those fucking Swiffer commercials that imply that women have romantic relationships with their cleaning implements. (cuz apparently only women clean) That's just so fucking off that I don't even know how to respond. If you looked at our society through the lens of our commercials, would it be even remotely familiar?

14. People that think Obama is Jesus incarnate. He's not.

15. People that think Obama betrayed progressives. You don't listen well.

16. People that think Obama wasn't born here. You're fucking paranoid, and likely a complete fucking racist.

17. People that think Obama is a socialist. You're fucking stupid.

18. UPDATE. I hate that I got an email from these guys because an 11-year-old is pregnant and too scared to finger her abuser. The state won't fund the termination of her pregnancy without a police report. I hate this ugly scary world.
There, now I feel a little better.


Lauren said...

You fucking rock.

Don't ever forget it.

Jen said...

Awww... but I like Amelie.

I'm right with the other 17 1/2 and Lauren. You fucking ROCK.