Sunday, January 31, 2010

Status report

So hubby had a bad setback that landed him back in the hospital. (I referenced it here) He caught an infection in his blood from his catheter, and his blood counts were so low that he started bleeding in his eyes and experienced some vision loss. We've been to three specialists, and no one is sure how permanent this vision loss is going to me. So many maybes... Hubby went into a full-blown panic for a while, which terrified me. He doesn't panic, and I don't know how to deal with his panic. He's so solid and strong, even when he's not, and I just didn't know what to do.

We've taken some real financial hits throughout this, and our taxes provided the nasty surprise that hubby forgot to change his tax withholdings and the feds are going to be the latest vampires at the door. I'm trying not to go around the bend, and I'm not really winning at that, and I've been full of frustration and despair and other things that I can't name. Then I talked to an old friend from high school. She's been reading my posts on facebook and she decided that she wanted to do something to show her support of my family, even though we haven't seen each other in 12 years or so. So she's going to run a half-marathon to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm completely flabbergasted. I'm so touched that she's putting forth this kind of effort (she's never even met hubby) for someone she knew in high school. I think this is a testament to the idea that our words, our pain... it has power... Even when it's half-expressed and ill-conceived ideas. I'm glad I can still reach people... and that there are people in the world that care enough to run 13 miles because I hurt.

Please help Send Amanda to the Bayshore Marathon.

Donate if you can.

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